This new 143,090 S.F. Division Headquarters provides facilities to accommodate division administrative and command operations. The design of the 82nd Airborne Headquarters was intended to introduce the architectural character of Fort Liberty while providing a state-of-the-art building and an aesthetic that supports an inviting work environment for the occupants. The building exterior features an architecture that complements the brick and stone feel evident in the design guidelines, while creating an image that is uniquely tailored to the 82nd Airborne.
This state-of-the-art facility meets the needs of the men and women who occupy the building, while providing a customized but flexible and vibrant working environment. The entry lobby provides the spring point for the organization of the building. High quality durable and maintainable materials and systems as required and expected are utilized for a significant Command Headquarters. The visitor drop-off at the entrance area celebrates the entrance with appropriate decorum and ceremonial ambiance. Meanwhile, staff parking is located as optimally as possible with clear and obvious circulation paths provided for pedestrian access from the parking area. This facility was designed using the Unified Facilities Criteria and meets all requirements of AT/FP standards.