Drill Sergeant School Barracks ls3p
US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District

Drill Sergeant School Barracks

LS3P designed the design/build Drill Sergeant School Barracks at Fort Jackson under a Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) for Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing (UEPH) in the Southeast for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District.

The 3-story barracks building is of light-gauge steel load-bearing construction on a flexible matt slab, with filled metal deck floors and light-gauge trussed roof with metal deck diaphragm. The building is brick clad over a high-performance building envelope comprising an air barrier continuous and infill insulation systems that better ASHRAE 90.1 requirements by 30%. Windows are blast resistant; the glass selection is optimized for daylight transmission to achieve the 2% LEED daylight credit and heat transmission to satisfy EPACT.

The building is IBC R-2 Occupancy Type II-B construction, sprinklered, and meets IBC and NFPA 101 requirements. The construction systems provide the required STC and IBC ratings.

The building plan is highly functional. The central corridor system interconnects five stairs that provide convenient building access from the parking lots and courtyard. The corridors are widened in sections to articulate the building and break-up the linearity of the corridor system. Windows are provided at corridor ends. Common areas including Laundry, Recycling, Vending and the Lobby are centered in the building. The main mechanical and electrical rooms are accessed directly from the exterior of the building.

Each pair of 1+1E apartment rooms share a mechanical room, that houses two fan coil units, and are conveniently accessible from the corridor. The large room provides good maintenance access. Plumbing risers that serve the bathrooms are exposed inside the closet for ease of maintenance access. Junction boxes and shut-off valves are also clustered in the closet.

As a betterment the design team included sitework features in the central courtyard that benefit the Instructor Trainees and create an optimum environment for instruction. Provided are two large shelters for shade during periods of recreation, two covered picnic shelters with adjacent barbeque grills and a section of troop-walk within the courtyard for instruction practice in forming up platoons.

LOCATION: Fort Jackson, SC
SIZE: 136,152 SF
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