Forest Hills Elementary School Forest Hills Elementary SchoolWilmington, NC One of the most important Mildred B. Poole Elementary School Mildred B. Poole Elementary SchoolFort Bragg, NC This new elementary Charles F. Bolden Elementary Middle School Charles F. Bolden Elementary Middle SchoolLaurel Bay, SC This design Porters Neck Elementary School Porters Neck Elementary SchoolWilmington, NC This 81,200 SF elementary school Pleasant Knoll Middle School Pleasant Knoll Middle SchoolFort Mill, SC The design of this Stanley Middle School Stanley Middle SchoolStanley, NC The new 135,000 SF middle school Clover Middle School Clover Middle SchoolClover, SC The new Clover Middle School replaces Godley Station K-8 Godley Station K-8Savannah, GA LS3P collaborated with Cogdell & Mendrala Rogers-Herr Middle School Addition & Renovation Rogers-Herr Middle School Addition & RenovationDurham, NC This addition and York Comprehensive High School and Floyd D. Johnson Technology Center York Comprehensive High School and Floyd D. Johnson Technology CenterYork, Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts