Elon University Journalism and Mass Communication Building LEED Silver Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College Health Science & Nursing Building Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College Health Science & Nursing BuildingOrangeburg, SC This Duke University Institute for Brain Sciences Duke University Institute for Brain SciencesDurham, NC The Duke Institute Spartanburg Community College Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies Spartanburg Community College Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologiesGaffney, University of South Carolina Pastides Alumni Center University of South Carolina Pastides Alumni CenterColumbia, SC The new Clemson University Memorial Stadium Suite Renovations Clemson University Memorial Stadium Suite RenovationsClemson, SC The reorganization of Clemson University Tennis Center Two Green Globes Piedmont Technical College Newberry County Center LEED Certified Trident Technical College Culinary Institute of Charleston Trident Technical College Culinary Institute of CharlestonCharleston, SC This 22,000 Clemson University Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science LEED Gold Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts