The COFs are configured into separate readiness bay and Administrative Modules to conform to the provided site boundaries. Each readiness bay is flanked by a hardstand structure. The Administrative Module is at the center of each COF Complex providing central access to latrine/shower facilities, and centralizing command functions.
US Army Corps of Engineers - Savannah District
108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade Complex
LS3P designed the new facilities in support of the BRAC (Base Realignment And Closure Commission) directed relocation of the 108th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Brigade from Fort Bliss, Texas to Fort Liberty (fka Fort Bragg), North Carolina.
This $99 million brigade complex is located on an undeveloped parcel of land and provides Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing (UEPH) Barracks (672 beds via four 4-story buildings totaling 259,400 SF), two Battalion Headquarters (totaling 31,926 SF) and two Company Operations Facilities (COFs) serving 14 Companies (two building total of 143,924 SF and 28,541 SF of covered hardstands). Construction involved Panelized Structural Light Gauge Metal Framing.
The Company Operations Facilities consist of an Administrative Module, Readiness Module and an Exterior Covered Hardstand. The Administrative Module provide administrative and support functions to include offices; conference space for meetings and/or training; and showers and locker rooms.
The Readiness Module provides space for operational and supply functions. These areas include bays for combat equipment (TA-50) lockers; forklift movement throughout; interior mud wash utility sinks, weapons vault for storage arms; ammunition and explosives (AA&E); secure storage for non-sensitive items; nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) equipment storage; communications equipment storage; and consumable unit storage.
The Exterior Covered Hardstand provides outside storage space for equipment maintenance, weapons cleaning, and pre-deployment preparation. It provides parking for HMMWV vehicles with trailers in a secure area immediately adjacent to the interior SCIF. Six-foot high chain link fabric topped by a single outrigger with three-strand barbed wire fence in accordance with STD 872-90-03, FE chain link security fence details, as well as provides organizational vehicle and personnel gates that are manually operated and manually secured.
LOCATION: Fort Liberty, NC
SIZE: 259,400 SF // HQ 31,926 SF // COF 143,924 SF // Hardstands 28,541 SF