38th Street Apartments ls3p
Cabreta Capital

38th Street Apartments

One of the first Public Educational Institutions in the Thomas Square District, the former 38th Street School and later St. Paul’s Academy for Boys, sat vacant for 8 years after its closure in 2014. Through adaptive reuse efforts, the building has been converted into an apartment complex for 27 tenants. This transformation involved meticulous preservation of original architectural elements, such as chalkboards, drinking fountains, and pendant lights, while repurposing the space to address the community’s housing needs.

Situated on the edge of a residential area and the Montgomery Street Business Corridor, this historic building has always served as a community anchor. Over the past century, it facilitated education and community gatherings, bridging generations. Today, it stands as a testament to the area’s rich history and its continuous evolution, contributing to the local fabric as both a residential and cultural landmark.

LOCATION: Savannah, GA
SIZE: 17,000 SF
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