Bekim SejdiuAIA, NCARB Advisor, LEED AP, WELL AP, LFA
Architect | Sustainability Specialist | Associate
Associate Bekim Sejdiu, an Architect and Sustainability Specialist in LS3P’s Raleigh office, brings significant sustainable design expertise and a passion for narratives around environmental impact via systems: energy efficiency, net zero, building performance analysis, and computational design. A graduate of UNCC with a Master of Architecture, Bekim serves as an NCARB Advisor for the state of North Carolina, assisting candidates for architectural licensure as they navigate the process. He is engaged in ongoing research generating concepts for next-generation high performance facades with UNCC’s IDRL Lab, with support from the National Science Foundation. Bekim has also achieved a Living Future Accreditation (LFA), the first member of LS3P to earn this distinction. As an accredited LFA, Bekim strives for the most ambitious and holistic sustainable design standards.