Town of Clayton
Gateway 42
LS3P and Kimley-Horn are collaborating to develop a small area plan, including clear guidelines to protect and preserve the spirit of the town in the aesthetic of future developments. We are also contemplating the impacts of long-term growth for the area and defining land use classifications, densities, and intensities and the many ways this area of the municipality supports and connects with the rest of the town.
The Town of Clayton is poised at a critical junction in its growth. This very literal crossroads is the intersection between NC-42 and Interstate 42. As the newly designated I-42 is upgraded to meet interstate standards, it opens up a world of possibility for Clayton on the lands adjacent to the interchange. This condition presents both great opportunities and significant threats to the town, a condition which has been noted in the 2045 Comprehensive Growth Plan, in which the area was codified with use and density designations that foster a community node second in proposed activity only to Downtown Clayton. To make this a reality, Clayton must further define the role this property should play at the local, regional, and national level, utilizing the objectives set forth in the 2045 Comprehensive Growth Plan and advancing them in further detail into actionable plans, policies, and programs that are focused on the unique conditions found at this location.
We are currently working with the town on a Community Engagement / Stakeholder engagement Strategy for three key demographics, neighboring residents, key stakeholder, and Clayton residents. The plan is to shape the strategy that engages all there groups at the appropriate time with the appropriate amount of information. These sessions are strategic ways to find balance between listening, affirming, educating, and advising in order to build consensus.
PARTNER: Kimley-Horn