Lenoir Community College Health Sciences ls3p
Lenoir Community College

Floyd Health Science Building Renovation

Lenoir Community College Health Sciences plans to consolidate its Health Sciences program in a renovated building currently housing the Business and Graphic Arts departments. The new location will house a high fidelity simulation suite with eight rooms, ADN and PN Nursing programs with 15 beds, medical assisting programs, radiography programs (including two imaging rooms), surgical tech programs (including two mock operating rooms), polysomnography and neurotech programs, computer testing rooms, classrooms, and administrative support in roughly 31,500 SF.

The design team developed program options to stay within the confines of the existing building with a slightly reduced program, or to expand the building footprint with a small administrative addition. Planned student amenities will include a break area and study spaces. The site features and location will complement the adjacent Student Union with its new café functions. The project will also address needed accessibility and building system issues as well as any necessary code updates for the existing structure.

SIZE: 31,500 SF
PHOTOGRAPHER: Ray Strawbridge
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