Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Charleston Meredith Ray
Ruth's Chris Steakhouse

Ruth's Chris Steakhouse Charleston

Located on the historic peninsula in Charleston, this high-end steak house offers a luxurious dining experience for the most discriminating of diners. The restaurant features a main dining room, private dining room, a banquet room, a full bar, all of which accommodate a total of 230 guests.

Although a franchise, each restaurant is uniquely designed around its location. The Owner’s objectives were three-fold: maximize the seating; create flexibility in the design; and work within the mandated square footage set by the corporate office. The Owner also wanted to appeal to local residents, vacationers, and businessmen. The banquet room accommodates both local and visiting business needs.

The design team created a space that was fresh and appealing to patrons both young and old. The vocabulary features rich African mahogany millwork, elegantly scaled lighting, monumental arched windows, and high ceilings. Heavy wooden beams left exposed in the bar are highlighted with framed paintings of local Charleston artist that also disguise acoustical treatment to quiet the environment. A large cozy fireplace in the main dining room is a focal element for diners to enjoy. State-of-the-art technology systems were designed into the kitchen, bar, and dining areas to enhance food preparation and delivery to the customer.

LOCATION: Charleston, SC
SIZE: 7,896 SF
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