US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District
Fort Stewart Warrior-in-Transition Barracks
LS3P designed the Warrior in Transition Barracks Complex at Fort Stewart as a Task Order project under a Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) for AIT/BT/WIT Barracks in the Southeast for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District.
The WIT Barracks match the style, proportion, and materials of existing housing facilities at Fort Stewart. The buildings are symmetrical and designed in the character and theme of the installation. As the “Southern Living Station of Choice”, the architectural style of the installation is reminiscent of the Southern Colonial Revival style. White columns and gabled roof elements create porches that mark the entries into the buildings. The center entry element projects from the building façade creating a distinct dominant entrance portal. Masonry is used at the base of the building to contribute to the traditional image of Georgia Architecture. Synthetic stucco was chosen at the upper two floors to help diminish the scale of the building. The color of the synthetic stucco was chosen to emphasize the earth tones used as part of the Southern Style and throughout the base.
The four-story facades are differentiated by plane changes and modulation of the exterior of the buildings as created by the grouping of room types. The pattern of window mullions and transoms reinforce the residential scale of the facades. The pitched metal roof includes gables and hips to further articulate the mass of the building. The windows are oversized to harvest more daylight. Locations for louvers, laundry vents and service doors are coordinated into the facades. The building entrances are centered in the long facades of the building. Classical Georgian Revival Portico with columns over a one-story porch is featured at each entrance.
A high-performance building envelop is provided with continuous air barrier system. The cavity wall construction includes exterior sheathing and extruded insulation on the face of the light-gauge framing. The air barrier is installed on the face of the insulation and visually verified after the anchor plates for brick ties are installed. The barrier is wrapped into opening so that windows, doors, and louver assemblies are sealed to the wrap. The roof assembly consists of standing seam metal over rigid insulation and diaphragm action metal deck on trusses. The air barrier extends across the top surface of the insulation. At the eaves, a backer of fiberglass faced exterior sheathing is provided on the fascia and soffit and a continuous air barrier wraps the assembly creating continuity between the wall and roof plans.
LOCATION: Fort Stewart, GA
SIZE: 144,574 SF