Urban Environments Practice Team Helps Facilitate NC State’s Spring 2023 City Design Studio ls3p
Urban Environments Practice Team Helps Facilitate NC State’s Spring 2023 City Design Studio

Urban Environments Practice Team Helps Facilitate NC State Spring 2023 City Design Studio

The Spring 2023 City Design Studio at North Carolina State University will be a collaborative effort Led by Professor Robin Abrams with segments facilitated by Justin Kearnan. Each Studio lesson will also feature team cameos from our urban environments practice, including Blake Reeves, Johannes Kettler, Abigail Gillin, and Olivia Gray. This studio’s central focus is understanding how to design humane, livable, equitable cities, or parts of cities, for a net-positive world.

This challenging studio is for Architecture and Landscape Architecture students at NC State University seeking the experience of working on the design at the scale of the city. The studio meets the requirement for the studio for the City Design Certificate.

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